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Friday 1 November 2013

Who I Am Makes A Difference

     This project is based on a true story in which a teacher gives her students blue ribbons.  She tells her students to honour some person with the extra blue ribbons she gives them.  One teenager gives his blue ribbon to a top senior executive.  He in turn gave a blue ribbon to his boss.  The boss in turn honoured his son with a blue ribbon which prevented him from committing suicide.
      I thought a lot about who to honour with the blue ribbon which I got.  Many people have made a difference in my life, so it was a hard decision to take about whom to honour.  Finally, after a lot of thinking, I decide to honour my mother.
     My mother has made a HUGE difference in my life.  She has taught me so many valuable lessons and corrected me whenever I did something wrong.  SHE MADE WHAT I AM TODAY.
     The day I got the sheet of paper with the story written in it, I showed it to my mom and told her to read it.  She read the story and told me that it was a very touching story.  Then, she went about doing her work.  After some time, I presented her with a blue ribbon and pinned it on her dress.  She looked at it and was . . . . . . Speechless!! She was so surprised that I honoured her with the blue ribbon.  She was so proud, happy . . . . She had all the positive emotions that you could ever think of.  She told EVERYONE what happened and why she had a blue ribbon pinned on her dress.  This is how I honoured her with the blue ribbon.
    The reason I gave the blue ribbon to my mother was for all the LOVE that she has showered on me from the time I was born till now, even this very moment.  She has also protected me when I was small-and even now-and she has also CARED for me all these fourteen years of my life.  She has ENCOURAGED me when I thought I couldn’t do a certain thing.  She has also CONGRATULATED me every time I achieved something.  She CORRECTED me when I did somethi9ng I wasn’t supposed to do. There are so many more reasons why I honoured her. In short, I would like to say that I honoured her because of all the constant LOVE, PROTECTION, CARE, ENCOURAGEMENT, PRAISE, CORRECTION and for ALL THAT SHE IS TO ME. I REALLY couldn’t have got a better mom.
    I really enjoyed doing this project.  The topic for the project “WHO I AM MAKES A DIFFERENCE” was a creative one.  When I first heard the story, I felt very emotional.  I also understood that recognizing a person or honouring him/her in whatever little way you can, can change that person forever.  And that one person can be a huge impact in society.  I also enjoyed the part where I got to honour a person.  In my case it was my mom.  While doing this project, I got to know several new things about my mom.  This project was really a blessing to me and my mother. I REALLY thank my English teacher Mrs. Manjula Belliappa for giving me this opportunity to do such a unique project which is so different from all the other projects that I have ever done.
    By doing this project I have learnt many valuable lessons which I will cherish for life.  But the most important lesson I have learnt through this project was-

                                                                   WHO I AM MAKES A DIFFERENCE         
                                                                       By, Kenneth Rohan Kotian, 10 A (Batch of 2009)

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