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Friday 1 November 2013

A Tribute to My Teachers at Bethany High

Creative and full of zest
Every grammar class with her was for us another quest
Manjula Ma’am many moral values did teach
And never failed to practice what she did preach.

Shashi Anand Ma’am did Hindi teach me
In me my capabilities she did see
In class, when her period came, we never had to wait
‘Cause everyday, on time was she – never late.

Answers to all the sums to find
As fast as a calculator is Santosh Sir’s mind
Answers to all sums he knew – Banking, graphs, cone and sphere
Much have we grown close over the past year.

Force, energy, machines, sound
In Mallika Ma’am, a great Physics teacher have we found
Our full potential did she want us to reach
Making complexities easy did she teach.

In the world of Chemistry Chandra Ma’am did us guide
Thru’ the difficult equations which seemed so wide
She never stopped encouraging
Always supportive, always caring.

From the wonder of all creation, to the complexity of the brain
In Biology, much knowledge from Suhasini Ma’am did we gain
Kindly and lovingly, with us did she interact
While all the while she was telling us about many interesting facts.

From the Mughal empire to the Great Wall
Nandini Ma’am seems to know it all
Always fun, always testing
Ever loving, never resting.

Agriculture, climate, minerals and soil
To help us understand all this much did Shobha Ma’am toil
A great teacher is she
Who our capabilities accordingly would see.

Conservation, wildlife, afforestation and pollution
Ashima Ma’am for a cleaner, better environment has a vision
Each class with her was exciting
‘Cause she told us many facts which were very interesting.

Pankaj Sir did Computer Applications teach me
A true Indian, as everyone would say, is he
A completely different method did he adopt this subject to explain
And every single day never did he fail to us entertain.

Peter Sir did physical education to us impart
Caring and loving is he, and also kind at heart
Every class did he let us play
This is how he kept us physically fit in every way.

These are the teachers who moulded my character all along high school’s way
They are the ones who made me who I am today
Always loving, always caring, always kind
Such teachers as these nowhere would you ever find.



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