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Wednesday 18 December 2013

Leap Of Faith

Darkness gathers all around
Hope seems bleak
All the shadows rise, I face my fears
This is the moment of I’ve been dreading
But I know it’s inevitable
How will it end?
Or will it end at all?

My past flashes before me
All my glories, my failures
And as I look back on my trophies
I regret not the things I did, but the ones I didn’t
I am the sum of my actions,
But I could’ve been much more
And as my memory fades away into eternity,
Will I be remembered at all?

Is this how I scale my mountain?
I have learned enough to not let it all slip away
Once I cross this bridge,
Once everything’s said and done
I’ll be a better man
Another feather will adorn my cap

And so I plunge
I launch into the deep
A leap of faith I take.

-          Composed by Kenneth Rohan Kotian
(Inspired by the movie "The Grey")

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